About Me

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A lady with great sense of humour..love to laugh enjoy friends company, choose to live in current moment, forget about yesterday..like what a friend said to me tomorrow is mystery.. Happiness is a voyage...not a destination. "You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free"

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Last Chance Harvey

I just watched Last Chance Harvey acted by Dustin Hoffman and Emma Thompson. By body size comparison, both of them do not complement each other but acting wise, they are both award winners. So no doubt, they are both good at it and I enjoyed the show.

The story line is kind of expected and watching this show brings back some memories. How you met someone unexpectedly, how one sealed the first kiss, the failed marriage and etc.

Life journey never stop until your last breathe. It takes us up and takes us far, it can be beautiful, ugly, funny and sad. It is all about how much we are willing to stretch, to reach and to be in it. I remember taking a scenic route in North India, the wild flowers aligned on two sides of the uneven road, but unexpectedly was the scents of the roses. Life is just the same, what you least expect from a wild rugged country side, the worst road condition, some surprises came and the goodness stays forever.

Just wanna post this...my wonderful life experience.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

A Wife and A Lover

My childhood friend told me he is planning his 10th anniversary with his wife about one month ago. He asked me for advice where to go, he has in mind either Bali or Bangkok. Finally he decided to go to Bangkok.

They are moving into a new house soon which mean renovation is on going. Why do I have to mention this ? He shared with me about the 2nd honeymoon trip almost one month ago, and yet they had only made decision to go this week. The point is that, he said his wife nagged about moving into new house that requires a lot of time, and going to Bangkok is really nothing for her. When he told me that, I paused his conversation, and I said

"Why must we (women) nagged or never appreciative or contented?" He said "you also think so!"

I didn't mean to criticize women in general, but I have been through what is the taste of a broken marriage and unhappy relationship, I may have been in such condition too without realising. Now it seems like the actual realization of life...hahaha. I will never complain about it if my husband has this great plan for us to spend short vacation together. Be appreciative..

I feel if the wife's reply is like.."great darling, let us sort out the house and we go for a great time in Bangkok". I told him two years ago, it was my 10th anniversary and I planned the trip and done whatever needed. My husband will only fly...maybe it is because I work for the travel industry, so planning and organising has always been my task.

So what about a lover ? On the other hand he told me his friend who has a lover/partner and whenever he asked her to travel, she will just pack and go. Actually I would do the same too, may not be as flexible but I will do whatever I can. I will look forward to the chance to be together so much.

Hence, why is there a different ? Lover or wife are both women....hahahaha!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


During my recent trip to Shanghai, I walked by some window displays and one that caught my attention was the Story of Shanghai..上海故事, 一个有故事的人! Everyone has a story. Different stages in life, childhood, teenage, hardship, good time, happiest moment, family and working days.

I do have a story and I always think my story is pretty interesting. I have never thought of how my life story should be written. It happened and it became a new episode or chapter. When you put the experience together, it has 酸甜苦辣, it can be challenging and unprepared, most importantly I walk into it, embrace it and gain an insight and to face them with courage and only be stronger day by day.

I have a story / life that I think is extraordinary compares to my circle of friends. That again my life is not all sad though...hahahaha!

Wherever my life has taken me this far, it has changed me and only to make me a better person. I will work towards it..

Monday, October 19, 2009

A fruitful trip to Shanghai

I was away last week to Shanghai. It was a working trip and very challenging and exciting trip. I went with a very heavy responsibility and that is to assist my client to bid as the next host in 2012. I have worked on this project since May and finally the big day has arrived. My boss decided that we should go ahead to support our 'potential' client at our own expense. It has been a great exposure and experience for me.

On the day of arrival, I had to work around the site, getting our selves registered and thankfully the cooperation from the local organiser was excellent. We had our table set up and ready for the war and our opponent is from India.

The next day was the presentation day, and we worked around the council members and lobby for their support. I guess it must the occupation habits, I am so used to inspecting the venue prior to meeting, and to my surprise the venue was not properly set up for presentation. The local organiser - Kevin gladly organised promptly.

The presentation started and I missed half the session due to 'ad hoc' errants requested by the council members. Both countries presented and the voting was held the following day. I was a 'self appointed' secretariat for the organisation, preparing balloting papers, signages and etc...

It was all worth it..I am happy to do it. The voting session started and I counted the votes with lots of excitement and daunting too. Finally..Malaysia won 11 over 6. Now, I have to work on getting the local organiser to appoint my service for the next 3 years. This is the tough part but I am confident..my hard work and dedication will not be left unknown.

A visit to China is never complete without a good massage for my weary feet and body. In the past, I alway traveled in group whereby I have a local guide or even transportation always on standby for me, however this trip is different. I took the metro and it was fun. The massage and foot reflexology was great and should have one more round before I left.

After 3 nights at Sofitel Pudong, I had to check out due to cost saving, I checked in at my sister's apartment in Puxi area. Conveniently located for shopping and food along Huai Hai Zhong Lu. I survived and had good time wandering around the area. A few things that caught my curious self...the trend for the youngsters is to wear big plastic frame without the lens. Cute la and Shanghainese are very open showing their public affections. One very touching moment I saw was a man ran across the road to give a bottle of water and some cakes to this old lady who was busy picking up empty thrash from the rubbish bin. I heard him said "给你吃“ he doesn't sound like he is local....what matters most is he has a kind heart.

The other thing that I enjoyed most was the revisit to hotel and places that I have been before. I recalled those good memories I had with my other group and colleagues. Good times are hard to find, best is cherish every experience that comes to us.

Overall...a good and rewarding trip !

Friday, October 9, 2009

Make you feel my love

I have been really busy the past few days. I am totally exhausted at the end of the day and I haven't had much thought about what to write.

I watched a video that a friend posted on facebook, it is about the eulogy and what the wife has to say about her beloved husband during the funeral. It is a very touching video, it is about what she misses now that he is gone. It is about the imperfection that perfect their relationship. The person who sleeps next to us may snore, we may feel agitated because it disrupted our peaceful night.

It is when the closest person in our life left us..that is when we realise we are all imperfect by nature. We begin to miss those little grouses that we used to share.

We are never perfect and the relationship can only get better through sharing and giving. Just appreciate what we have and cherish them. I just want to make you feel my love.

I like to share with you something nice that was posted by my friend on her facebook..

知足是幸福的起点,幸福是每个人都希望得到的,虽然财富,健康,名位,权势都是一般人所喜爱的, 但这些并不等于幸福,幸福的真谛是"平安就是福".一个懂得知足,惜福的人,当遭逢逆境时不会抱怨,在一帆风顺时则懂得感谢,无论何时何地都感到心满意足,才是个真正幸福的人. 切记,"命终时有终须有,命中无时莫强求"

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Haven't met you yet

A new song from Michael Buble...lively and nice !

I'm Not Surprised
Not Everything Lasts
I've Broken My Heart So Many Times,
I Stop Keeping Track.
Talk Myself In
I Talk Myself Out
I Get All Worked Up
And Then I Let Myself Down.

I Tried So Very Hard Not To Loose It
I Came Up With A Million Excuses
I Thought I Thought Of Every Possibility

And I Know Someday That It'll All Turn Out
You'll Make Me Work So We Can Work To Work It Out
And I Promise You Kid That I'll Get So Much More Than I Get
I Just Haven't Met You Yet

Mmmmm ....

I Might Have To Wait
I'll Never Give Up
I Guess It's Half Timing
And The Other Half's Luck
Wherever You Are
Whenever It's Right
You Come Out Of Nowhere And Into My Life

And I Know That We Can Be So Amazing
And Baby Your Love Is Gonna Change Me
And Now I Can See Every Possibility

Mmmmm ......

And Somehow I Know That It Will All Turn Out
And You'll Make Me Work So We Can Work To Work It Out
And I Promise You Kid I'll Get So Much More Than I Get
I Just Haven't Met You Yet

They Say All's Fair
And In Love And War
But I Won't Need To Fight It
We'll Get It Right
And We'll Be United

And I Know That We Can Be So Amazing
And Being In Your Life Is Gonna Change Me
And Now I Can See Every Single Possibility

Mmmm .....

And Someday I Know It'll All Turn Out
And I'll Work To Work It Out
Promise You Kid I'll Give More Than I Get
Than I Get Than I Get Than I Get

Oh You Know It'll All Turn Out
And You'll Make Me Work So We Can Work To Work It Out
And I Promise You Kid To Give So Much More Than I Get
Yeah I Just Haven't Met You Yet

I Just Haven't Met You Yet
Oh Promise You Kid
To Give So Much More Than I Get

I Said Love Love Love Love Love Love Love .....
I Just Haven't Met You Yet
Love Love Love .....
I Just Haven't Met You Yet

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Client is happy, I am Happy too

Today is the mid autumn day and it is largely celebrated by families as another reunion other than the Chinese New Year Eve. Many large families do make it a big affairs and I have been receiving many messages wishing each other. I even received a few from friends in China. So nice of them to remember me.

However, today I couldn't be with my kids to celebrate this occasion. I have to work and it is a full day event. It is another product launch cum symposium and this client was initial not very easy to deal with, but thankfully when I took over, somehow the client was happy with my suggestion and tonight the event finally took place and everything went extremely well.

The gymnast was great and they blended well into the evening theme, however the magician was a bit boring initially except for the last part a little exceptional.

Overall, I am very tired but I am happy as the client came to me and said...thank you very much, everything went well and it is a great show. While listening to her compliments, I felt so pleased..thank you.

My day started very early this morning, I took the children for breakfast as I knew I can't be with them the entire day. But I guess it is all worth it..I have planned something with the children tomorrow - a visit to the bookshop to compensate them.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Joke for the day

Sharing with you some laughter !

I was in the hair salon, I could see my grey hairs at the back and it is rather noticeable when the stylish lift them up. So I told him, no matter how many times I coloured my hair, it won't help much, so I decided not to colour them if possible. So he said, why worry, this is hi-light for the year!

Another friend chatted with me and want to share a joke with me..while waiting for his joke, he just typed hehehe...then I said where is the joke ? He said, I thought about it and not so funny anymore.. hahahaha. I told him, this is the best joke !

Today is first Friday in October, which is also a World Smile Day, I hope my two jokes had made you smile.


Nothing is ever perfect, it only gets better

I was attending a talk this evening and this phrase was mentioned. It caught my attention so deeply that I had it written on my facebook immediately before I forget.

Nothing is ever perfect, it only gets better!

I totally agree, sometimes when I am unhappy, I wish it could be perfect like I wish it to be, but then in reality it can only get better. At work, I find it hard to find the environment that I would say I am happy, at the end, I realised that I can only put in some effort to improve the atmosphere better.

While I am organising an event, we evaluate the event when it ends, and I have never used "It is perfect" as I know there is always room "to make it better".

It is the same for me and my children, I see some kids doing so well in school, scored high marks, and when I look at my children, they are just average, I felt have I not done my duty as a mother diligently ? And I may put more pressure on them to make them as "perfect" as I wished for, but again, it is not possible, it only gets better.

Many of us are never contented in life, because we have high expectation to be nearly perfect, and again I must say the last 24 months, has been a turning point in my life, a life full of challenges. From where I fall, I pick myself up, from the emotional suffering that I went through, I can only make it better now with a more calmer and relax mind. It is never perfect yet though, but it will get better. Now I live to be not perfect but I only wish for my life to get better.

I hope with this quote, it is an aspiration to live the best and only to make it even better.

With metta to all !

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