About Me

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A lady with great sense of humour..love to laugh enjoy friends company, choose to live in current moment, forget about yesterday..like what a friend said to me tomorrow is mystery.. Happiness is a voyage...not a destination. "You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free"

Friday, October 9, 2009

Make you feel my love

I have been really busy the past few days. I am totally exhausted at the end of the day and I haven't had much thought about what to write.

I watched a video that a friend posted on facebook, it is about the eulogy and what the wife has to say about her beloved husband during the funeral. It is a very touching video, it is about what she misses now that he is gone. It is about the imperfection that perfect their relationship. The person who sleeps next to us may snore, we may feel agitated because it disrupted our peaceful night.

It is when the closest person in our life left us..that is when we realise we are all imperfect by nature. We begin to miss those little grouses that we used to share.

We are never perfect and the relationship can only get better through sharing and giving. Just appreciate what we have and cherish them. I just want to make you feel my love.

I like to share with you something nice that was posted by my friend on her facebook..

知足是幸福的起点,幸福是每个人都希望得到的,虽然财富,健康,名位,权势都是一般人所喜爱的, 但这些并不等于幸福,幸福的真谛是"平安就是福".一个懂得知足,惜福的人,当遭逢逆境时不会抱怨,在一帆风顺时则懂得感谢,无论何时何地都感到心满意足,才是个真正幸福的人. 切记,"命终时有终须有,命中无时莫强求"

1 comment:

True love said...

Hi r,

You are right about we just don't know when it is enough ! I always feel contented is very important, I prefer to have a life that is less worrisome!

Don't know if this will ever happen ?? I think if I say can, it can ! So confident !

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