About Me

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A lady with great sense of humour..love to laugh enjoy friends company, choose to live in current moment, forget about yesterday..like what a friend said to me tomorrow is mystery.. Happiness is a voyage...not a destination. "You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free"

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Feeling refreshed and recharged

How do you feel after one week of vacation ?

I was just talking to someone about vacation and seems like a minimum good break should be about 5 days. And I just had a 7 days break, I must say I am so blessed to have this luxury.

I feel totally refreshed and recharged. Both mind and body have well rested and rejuvenated though I had a bit of discomfort during the trip probably due to the change in diet and activities. Most importantly, I came back with a healthy skin tone...and now need to look at some new shade for make up palette to suit my colour...hahahaha.

I have a clearer mind to move on with life, a lot of encouragement to walk on. I will deal with one thing at a time. Hopefully I can sort things out soonest possible.

A good reminder for me after the trip is :
Forget the past, they are history,
close the door and move on there is another door waiting for me.

It has been totally inspirational and motivated trip as well...thanks :)


True love said...

Hi r,

It was very sweet and nice vacation...about 第二春....hmmmmm shall keep it a secret...hahhaha :)

with metta always !

True love said...

Hi r,

无所谓,如果我真的有第二春,也是一件好事! 是吧!哈哈!

True love said...

Hi r,


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