About Me

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A lady with great sense of humour..love to laugh enjoy friends company, choose to live in current moment, forget about yesterday..like what a friend said to me tomorrow is mystery.. Happiness is a voyage...not a destination. "You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free"

Friday, August 14, 2009


I was lying by the pool, enjoying the solitude, calmness and quietness that morning. And I was reading and thinking too. For the past two years, the first year was rush, unsettled and I was trying to get my breath, face the world, deal with emotions and everything. Now, the 2nd year, I am more adjusted and facing life in a more comfortable manner.

There are moments in life that just gone past without us realising. Most of us have so much to work and to manage in family. I reflected what have I done in the last 10 years of marriage. I was just busy managing the family and work, and little have I noticed that I needed some time to myself, a quiet solitude moment for me and him.

I have rushed my days, kept myself totally busy and the day ended almost midnight..dead tired. That was typically my life for the past 10 years. Somehow, perhaps it is also the age, I am now making changes to life, living a life that has more values and not the same way I used to have.

I have came across a few crossroads, and whenever I had to deal with it....he has been there for me. I am about to face another one, and I think this time it is a much more challenging one, something that I have considered and being encouraged, and opportunity and chances seem coming my way....

This time I have to make some decision on my own, should I take this big bold step ? Should I consider ?....a lot to ponder and think about, at least there is still hope in life !!

1 comment:

True love said...

Hi r,

Now, he is no longer here for me, we used to talk and share eventhough we may not have all the same ideas, but at least, someone to share our worries and doubts, so I have to decide on my own..

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