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A lady with great sense of humour..love to laugh enjoy friends company, choose to live in current moment, forget about yesterday..like what a friend said to me tomorrow is mystery.. Happiness is a voyage...not a destination. "You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free"

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Tips for Great Relationship..Part 2

I thought I was going to post this yesterday, but was extremely tired after work...meeting after meeting for the past 2 days. All because of I am off for a vacation tomorrow !! But anyway, all these meetings are good and I am excited about the project that I am working on, something new and exciting !

Here you go, more tips for better relationship ! Do yourself a check list on ideas shared here if you are doing them..simple yet helpful :)


When your partner comes home, how do you greet him?

Do you give him a quick "hi" and a kiss and launch straight into a debriefing about the events of the day?

Or do you not even bother with a greeting and launch straight into a request, such as, "Did you get that done?" or "Would you go do this right now?"

When you live with someone, you start to take their presence for granted. Whereas when you were dating, you greeted his knock on the door with anticipation and excitement, now his knock on the door just tells you to open it. There's no butterflies in the stomach, no leap of joy. It's just him, after all.

If this sounds like your relationship, I want you to make an immediate change. Each time your partner comes home - or each time you come home to your partner - I want you to take a few minutes to really greet your partner.

Even if you're in the middle of something, stop whatever you are doing and go to say hello. Smile at him, make eye contact, and give him a hug and a kiss. Make an effort to be happy to see him, even if you're stressed or preoccupied.

Make this greeting a ritual, so that you always greet one another properly when you come home.

The second thing you need to do is allow for at least fifteen minutes - but ideally half an hour - of decompression time. When you or your partner comes home from work, don't deluge one another with a litany of all the stressful things that happened to you that day. Don't immediately talk about plans for dinner or chores to do that night.

Instead, take half an hour to unwind and relax into being home together.

I've always admired the British tradition of afternoon tea, where families can enjoy a cup of tea and a snack together before the evening meal. There's something about a snack and a quiet period of rest that rejuvenates you for the evening ahead.

Create your own after-work ritual. Maybe your partner prefers to drink a beer and watch a few minutes of television. If so, grab your own favorite drink and curl up next to him. You don't have to make an effort to talk. It's more important that being together feels undemanding for both of you.

You may think that you don't have time to unwind after work, because there's so much to do before bedtime. There are chores to complete, dinner to cook, and children to organize.

But there's ALWAYS time. You just have to make it.

Allowing for a quiet half-hour period after work may mean that some chores have to go undone. It may mean that dinner is a fast affair rather than a fancy meal. But trust me: IT'S WORTH IT.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Have a wonderful vacation and well deserving break ! Enjoy !

Lisa said...

oh i love this tips

and totally will follow this when i live together with my partner in future!

True love said...

Hi Anon,

Thanks very much! Alone but m sure it will be fun :)

Hi Lisa

Hope it is really useful for you to maintain your relationship with your future partner..! I am also learning, my future man should deserve this...hahaha !

Thanks for checking out !


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