For the very first time, I have watched this musical and I have watched it twice.
The first time about 10 years ago, they had their very first performance and I think that time I was so involved with my new born child, so I had not gone for it, also partly I wasn't so religious during that time. Some how, at the right time in life, God knows what is necessary for us to learn, and we are able to receive and accept the guidance.
I often find myself doing something unplanned and it is very spontaneously done. I remember while I was working at the Shah Alam Stadium as the pre opening team. The Venerable Master Hsing Yun was visiting and the dhamma propagation event took place. It was a huge affair and I took refuge to Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha together with many on that night in May 1997.
When I was a kid, I am not well exposed to religion even when I was in secondary, I do not join any religious society like some of my classmates. I was more active in Interact Club, English Society and Computer Club. I am a free thinker but more of a Taoist then. I pray to Nine Emperor's God and still do. I have been observing vegetarian for 9 days since I was a kid and will continue as long as I can.
Recent past 2 years, I felt my spiritual path is strengthen especially. I used to go to temple with my family and it has been a norm for us to visit temple on Wesak Days and eve of New Year. Since the day my life turned upside down..I went to the seek the advice and blessing from the Ven Chief Dhammaratana, my devotion towards the understanding of dhamma has significantly increased.
I was never religious and I don't attend any formal dhamma teaching about Buddhism, but I hold on to the teaching and practise the precepts. And I must also thank friends who share the same spiritual interest and helped me. I have a friend who often shared about Buddhism on his blog and reading it made me understand it better. He has helped me..thanks !
I went for the first show last Sunday all alone....another new experience for me. I have never been to any show all alone...I think soon, I will walk to the cinema for a movie without any friend...hahahaha ! I heard of this show almost more than one month and couldn't think of anyone who would be interested to join me. Thus, I have forgotten about it completely. And coincidentally I was at FGS as usual on Sunday morning, my good friend asked me if I am interested to go for the show, she said tickets are available but I can't sit with her as she had bought her tickets much earlier.
I thought about it, what is wrong watching it alone, it is about me appreciating the show..and musical is not something that you talk to someone as you are watching it. I decided and I bought the ticket. With no regret, I enjoyed it so much, I was a bit emotional especially the beginning of the show, even my daughter and my sister felt it too tonight.
So, I decided that my children should be given an opportunity to learn this great teaching of Buddha through the musical way. I am glad they enjoyed it so much. It has helped them to understand karma, the cycle of life of any beings. Mostly important, I hope they will appreciate the dedication and hard work of the volunteers and me (hehe) to teach and drive them respectively on every Sunday.
When they grow up, they have their choice of religion and I just want to instill the right teaching towards their moral behaviour from young and to understand and appreciate life in a better way.
Since this is the final show, I managed to get the autograph from the main cast, and more excitedly is, I also asked for the autograph and photo taken with my most respected lady who shares her beautiful voice with me in my daily chant. Her voice lives in me when I am happy and sad and she is Ms. Imee Ooi and finally the producer of the show ~ Ms. Ho Lin Huay !
Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu ~ for all the work well done.
With Metta always !
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