Have you ever consider the choice/decision you made is right at the right time ?
We feel is right, we decide and again the timing plays an important factor. In our daily life, we have a lot of choices to decide, when we shop, we choose and pick, the coffee or tea of our choice, searching for job, we also face the same situation. Even in relationship, we meet someone we think is the right one, we decided to open up and accept. But sometimes, we have other priority in life, we wait and hopeful for someone better to come to our life, and let the right one slips away without knowing. That happened too. I remember I do have many choices before but I chose him, because timing was a factor he took the initiative to be part of my life.
Once someone told me "He is a good man but undecisive, and the way things are going on...he will loose you". I guess the same applies to me, I may have a good choice, but if I do not make the choice at the right time...it equals nothing.
There is a saying, Nothing in life is written in stone..a reminder that things change, life is full of surprises. I go by my instinct still...so far so good :-)
What is your comments ??
Just so happens, I did write about something like this a few weeks back. It's not about making the right choices at the right time. It's about making a choice and understanding that it carries with it consequences.
Being happy in a relationship is about knowing together that you're capable of dealing with those consequences. If you're going to keep worrying about the choices you make, you're never going to get anywhere, let alone make any decision.
So don't sweat the small stuff. Just decide and deal with what happens next. For better or for worse, that's how you move forward together.
Hi Kamigoroshi, thanks for visiting my blog and sharing your comment. Actually once I wrote about making decision is never right or wrong..but in relationship, it may be different...confusing myself now ! haha ! Nice blog you have there :-)
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