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A lady with great sense of humour..love to laugh enjoy friends company, choose to live in current moment, forget about yesterday..like what a friend said to me tomorrow is mystery.. Happiness is a voyage...not a destination. "You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free"

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Another divorce story

I found this cosy cafe on the upper floor at Cake Sense in TTDI, it is a quiet place equipped with Wifi facility. I chose to stay outdoor, open air with shade, airy and comfortable.  It is a perfect place for me while waiting for my next appointment.

I decided to write this post about a girl friend of mine, almost one year ago, we met for tea and I shared with her my sad story about my marriage, and she gave me encouragement to live and be strong.  And guess what today, when I met her, she said she is prepared to divorce.  Her husband has always been a "womaniser" and expecting her to accept that one night stand is perfectly normal in their marriage.

They had been married for 13 years, knowing that the husband hasn't been fully loyal to her, she tried ways to keep the marriage and even created a plot that she has someone simply to gain the husband's attention...and this has back fired.  Sadly her husband has accused her of adultery and use this excuse for him to continue having his affairs outside. She has totally lost the trust for her husband.

After a good 13 years of suffering, she has decided to split.  The only good thing about this couple is they are childless...and it saves tons of hassle in their divorce.

We have both gone through emotional distraught while facing our marriage problem, and I must say that I was lucky and quick enough to walk tall again.  The worst is when we are unable to come to term with our self.  I shared with her how I cope and how I re-live and told her what she should accept it the reality of her new life, and not her husband's past hurtful event.  They are irrelevant now...more importantly is her new life ahead!

I fully understand her feeling and the stress she is coping with.  It is still new and fresh in her mind after 9 months when she first heard from her husband admitting on his affair.  It is not easy to let go and recover from the  broken heartache !

So sad but it is another broken marriage....Divorce is not an easy process, no matter how much he loves her before the big "D" is mentioned, now everything has changed, he no longer uses the same tone of voice.  

I was emotionally up and down today thinking of what I been through myself !  I am glad that I have progressed well so far and I am a happier person :)

May she be well, happy and peaceful, Metta !


kher said...

I am sure we all have heard the famous marriage quote:"those from outside are trying to get in, while many from inside are dying to get out". Binding two total strangers together and passed off as husband and wife is a task. All marriages need a lot of work, sacrifices, tolerence and sense of humor. Like you, I strongly beleive in living in the moment. "Now is the time, Here is the place" is my life motto. Read the book "The Power of Now".

fishtail said...

Touching, poignant account; thank you for sharing. May she find the strength to move on.

True love said...

Kher- thanks for sharing, yes, I have the changes in my life, accepted a lot of things, and only live in current moment ! Will check out your recommendation, I am sure it will help, reading is always a good way to improve ourselves :)

fishtail - I am sure she will with the support from friends and family ! It is very important at times like this. It is how I pull through haha :)

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