Once a net friend asked me if I have fantasy ?
Instantly my answer was no....maybe I have not given a deep thought about it.
Days later, I thought over it again, I actually do have fantasy of this and that. The fantasy can go wild and funny at times. Sorry just can't describe all my fantasies here but I do have !
My believe is that able to fantasize helps us to keep our life exciting. I have the following to share with you, got them from my regular newsletter, try this if you are single and trying or reluctant to get into relationship ! The following are probably the answer of why do I remain as single :
- It lets me do what I like, when I like
- It allows me to live in a tidy, organised home.
- It keeps my options open so I can find Mr. or Mrs. Right
- It saves me having to commit
- It stops me getting hurt when things go wrong
First relax somewhere comfortable where you won’t be disturbed. Then imagine being with the man or woman of your dreams. Visualise them as strongly and graphically as you can in your mind. Bring all your senses into play. What would they look, sound, smell, feel and even taste like! Really get into the feeling of being with them and imagine the fun and happiness that you would have together. What qualities do they have?
Once you have really experienced this potential partner as vividly as you can, the next step is tolet go completely of the need to have them in your life. This sounds crazy, but holding on to the need to have them as your partner, will energetically push them away. Just trust that a partner will appear in your life before long. If you have any spiritual or religious faith you could hand over your wish for a partner to a higher power. Then get on with your life.
Manifesting like this seems (I wouldn’t presume to know how the Universe works!) to open us up to what is already moving towards us or is available to us. Our minds attract or push things away without us even realizing it, so this technique increases the attraction energy that you are sending out. If you think about it, there must be thousands of prospective partners out there. Some of them will already be in your ‘close orbits’. By first letting go of your resistance to be in a relationship and then inviting in a partner by visualising them as already present, you are saying, “I’m ready for a partner”. This will work provided that you really believe in it wholeheartedly! The only other thing is to remember that you are beautiful just the way you are. Of course have pride in your appearance, but above all, be yourself. Somebody who is comfortable with themselves, honest and open-hearted, is irresistible.
I find it very interesting ! Just fantasy and you will smile at the end of it.
Hope you find this experience works on you ! And hope you will find someone...in the meantime, just relax and enjoy your life...someone will appear suddenly...and next you know...you recognised is coming and just don't push them away !
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